Internet, Organized, Crime, Threat, Assessment 2020

The threat landscape over the last year described in the IOCTA 2020 contains many familiar main characters. The starring roles in terms of priority threats went to the likes of social engineering, ransomware and other forms of malware. Several interviewees captured the essence of the current state of affairs of the threat landscape by stating: cybercrime is an evolution, not a revolution.

As time passes, the cyber-element of cybercrime infiltrates nearly every area of criminal activity. Key elements mentioned in previous editions of the IOCTA that return this year merit more, rather than less, attention. The repetition means the challenge still exists and has, in many cases, increased, underlining the need to further strengthen the resilience and response to well-known threats.

The IOCTA 2020 makes clear that the fundamentals of cybercrime are firmly rooted, but that does not mean cybercrime stands still. Its evolution becomes apparent on closer inspection, in the ways seasoned cybercriminals refine their methods and make their artisanship accessible to others through crime as a service.

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